Our children assign their own meaning to findings, and while we may tell them the factual name of a natural element, we see enriching imaginative play where logs become trains, rocks become meatballs, and sticks are magic wands. This pretend play encouraged by nature allows for children to use creativity, all of their senses, and become more physically active and social! I can’t tell you how many mud recipes are created on a daily basis, and how much hard teamwork goes into each one. I can tell you that the developmental benefits are endless!
Trekking through the forest and off the paths requires focus! There are many roots and logs to step over and climb. Children are encouraged to keep trying when they might trip or struggle, promoting resilience. We see even our youngest children hiking up a big hill and confidently reaching the top with a big smile, stating, “I did it!” This takes time, weeks of adventures, stumbles over the ground, and practice overcoming challenges.