Address: 5030 Sudley Rd West River, MD 20778
REFP: 85100
Learning should be fun and exciting and draw a child into the subject. It should ignite their natural sense of wonder and make them want to dig deeper and ask more questions. River’s Edge Forest Play is offering two unique opportunities for 5-8 year old children registered as homeschoolers in the state of Maryland to engage in a collaborative learning community. Under the guidance of a certified K-12 teacher and an environmentalist who is also a Master Naturalist through the Univ of MD , our two groups use the forest as their classroom, laboratory, art studio, workshop, and playground to ignite wonder and creativity and develop strong learning skills. The FORESTlearninglab follows MD state standards of learning in a fun, hands on, full body explorative style to make learning engaging and rewarding.
"If young people can develop a sense of deep understanding through inquiry-based teaching and learning, then they will not only possess the knowledge they have developed, but will be able to perform their understanding of a particular topic," explains researcher Edward Clapp of Harvard's Project Zero.
Join us in the perfect setting for your young learner. Children thrive in an environment where the learning is exciting, hands on, challenging and they have a BIG voice. Nature is an environment where children feel safe, is calming yet exciting and has the ability to teach every subject imaginable. River’s Edge Forest Play offers the perfect environment for your child to engage and thrive.
Our outdoor classroom is alive with big beautiful trees and luscious low growing plants, there is a sweet creek that invites exploration and sensory seeking, there are creatures flying above and crawling below that leave all sorts of clues that they live amongst us, there are amazing natural jungle gyms for climbing and every day there is the opportunity to engage with nature and experience the wonders she has to offer.
River’s Edge Forest Play offers children a friendly unique opportunity to learn. Our
program is created for the early learner age 5-8 who is ready to be part of a kind and caring learning community and wants to dive deeper into learning yet still enjoy child-centered play and nature engagement. Our groups are multi-aged and incorporate children of the emergent literacy stage, starting to get curious about letters, sounds, and how they work together to create written language to those who are readers and more proficient in their learning. This program is aligned with the Maryland Early Learning Standards, especially social foundations, science, physical education, early math and literacy learning domains.
Through a balance of guided learning experiences and “play with a purpose”, children will connect with nature, self, and others in a nurturing learning environment that will inspire interest in learning and develop communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills to promote inquisitive and excited learners.
The learning guides are licensed in the fields of early childhood and elementary education and environmental studies.
This is a 34 week program beginning September 3, 2024 through May 23, 2025 with weeks off for holidays. Reach out to us at for more information.
REFP: 85100
Contact Information
Phone: 610-223-2940
Address: 5030 Sudley Rd
West River, MD 20778
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Contact Information
Phone: 410-703-6157
Address: 5030 Sudley Rd West River, MD 20778
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